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Words at Play

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom It’s been another wonderful week at Camp Ramah Darom, our second week of Machzor Bet, and there are lots of happy campers enjoying their activities all around Camp. This week, we said goodbye to our Ta’am campers and welcomed our Garinim Bet campers (and our Gesher campers returned from […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Responsibility, Kindness & Inclusion

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom Machzor Bet (Second Session) is in full swing and we are so excited to have your chanichim (campers) with us at Ramah Darom. From brand new campers to those returning for their 8th summer to full summer campers who were here for Machzor Aleph and spent intersession with family, […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Enthusiasm & Ruach

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom It’s true what they say – time flies when you are having fun, and this week was kef meod (very fun)! We had the most incredible Yom Sport planned by Gesher, with picture-perfect weather and spirited activities, followed by the NivoU Band’s performance for the oldest aidot (age groups). […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Shining stars in and out of Camp

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom The sun is finally out today, but even with our rainy weather, we had a bright week at Camp and your chanichim (campers) were shining stars! On Sunday, we had our Rikkudiyah, where each aidah danced to an Israeli song from the Eurovision contest. Last night, our Kochavimers put on a production of High School […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky



I’m often asked if I spend the whole summer at Camp. Thanks to our talented Camp Director, Assistant Director and Camp team – who, along with our summer staff, do a phenomenal job running our Camp program and ensuring campers are having a great time – I am able to come and go throughout the […]

Avatar Wally Levitt


Courage, Heart & Kef (Fun)

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom Shelach is one of my favorite summer parshiyot! I still remember the peulat Shabbat (Shabbat activity) I planned as a madricha (counselor) some 20 years ago where my chanichim (campers) pretended to be spies just like in the parsha and went all over our kikar (grassy field) at Ramah Darom on a mission! Experiential learning is what makes Ramah Darom so […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Delight, Wonder & Light

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom We are off to a roaring, ruach-filled Kayitz (Summer) 2023! The weather has been absolutely delightful, with lots of sunshine and a nice cool breeze. The food has been delicious, from our traditional first night fried chicken dinner and a special welcome to Camp cookie delivery to the tzrifim (bunks) to biscuit and […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Former Camper, Now a Counselor, to Play Football at Brown

Levi Linowes, a Ramah Darom camper for the past seven years, will attend Brown University to play football this fall – but not before returning to Camp as a counselor this summer. His decision to spend his summer at Camp is driven by his desire to “inspire younger kids and provide them with a role […]

Avatar Jaron Holzer


Meet the Kayitz 2023 Rashai Aidah

We are thrilled to introduce you to our incredible Camp Ramah Darom Rashai Aidah (Division Heads) Nitzanim-Gesher for Kayitz (Summer) 2023. Nitzanim Liana Slomka Shalom!! I’m Liana! I’m from Atlanta and just finished up my studies in ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton University. But more importantly, I was a camper at Ramah Darom from […]

Avatar Robyn Diamond


Introducing Our New Board of Directors

This week, the Ramah Darom Board of Directors elected a new slate of Officers and three new Directors. We are incredibly fortunate to have this distinguished group leading our organization into the future.  Our New Officers Are:  Each of our Officers has a deep, long-term connection to Ramah Darom. Angela’s election is a true milestone […]

Avatar Sharon Rosenfeld