Camp Yofi in the News
July 11, 2015
Last week, Camp Yofi was featured in the Philadelphia-based Jewish Exponent! The article, which discusses programs Jewish camps are offering to special needs families, highlights Camp Yofi, as well as several other Ramah Tikvah programs designed especially for children with autism and special needs. Click here to read the article in its entirety, and here to […]
Summer is Around the Corner… What is Your Child Doing?
March 13, 2015
It’s that time of year again – time to make sure you have something wonderful planned for your kids to do this summer! If you’re looking for a life-changing experience that will help them grow, make new friends and give them memories they will never forget, we hope you and your family will join us […]
Going to Camp for the First Time: A Rabbi’s Perspective
May 29, 2014
By Rabbi Scott Kramer As a rabbi who was just ordained seven years ago, experiencing Jewish summer camp for the very first time as an adult has given me a unique perspective. I grew up Orthodox in Baltimore but was never a member of NCSY. My parents did not send me to TA (Talmudical Academy) […]
How to Strengthen Your Children’s Connection to Israel
April 29, 2014
We hear from parents repeatedly that one of the things they love the most about Camp Ramah Darom is the chance it gives their children to connect with Israeli counselors. Our Israeli staff, our shlichim, may only get to spend four or eight weeks with your children, but those short weeks leave lasting impressions. If […]
Passover at Ramah Darom: Hundreds of Programs, So Little Time!
April 17, 2014
Maybe you’re at home wondering if you’ll really be able to get your kids to eat matzah pizza for the fifth meal in a row… Or maybe you are at your brother-in-law’s house, thinking how nice it is to be with your family, but that this year may be the year your growing family finally […]
February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month – Celebrating Camp Yofi
February 4, 2014
Did you know that February is National Jewish Disability Awareness Month? Throughout the month, Jewish organizations from across the country join in unified initiatives to raise disability awareness and foster inclusion in Jewish communities worldwide. One of the programs we are most proud of at Ramah Darom is Camp Yofi, our family camp for children […]
An Experience of a Lifetime
November 8, 2013
We always say that camp is “an experience that lasts a lifetime.” Year after year, we hear stories of how the few weeks our campers spend with us during the summer result in lifelong friendships, confidence and a strong community. We wanted to share the following letter we received from the Sokolov family with you. […]
A Sweet New Year Dessert – Our Chef’s Famous Camp Brownies!
September 10, 2013
Need an idea for a sweet, delicious dessert for Break Fast this year? Here is our Chef’s famous brownie recipe! For more recipes, simply send us a $36 donation and a note requesting our cookbook, and we’ll send one to you. Although it is technically a Passover cookbook, the Kosher recipes in it are healthy, […]
A Home Away From Home
August 21, 2013
How one family found a Jewish community for their children – and the perfect place to host their son’s Bar Mitzvah – in the North Georgia mountains. Jana and Josh Zager have always had what they call a “revolving Jewish community” due to Josh’s career as a pilot in the Marine Corps. “Throughout the years, […]
Welcoming Leah Zigmond, Camp Ramah Darom’s New Assistant Director
July 25, 2013
We are very excited to welcome Leah Zigmond, Camp Ramah Darom’s new Assistant Director, to our year-round team! Leah and her family moved from Kibbutz Lotan, which is located in Israel’s southern Arava desert, to Atlanta last week, and are looking forward to spending their first Shabbat at camp this weekend. Leah is originally from […]