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Reflecting on a Summer Like No Other

I’ve just returned to Atlanta after spending an amazing summer at Camp Ramah Darom in Clayton. As I write, I’m catching up on local news – most of which is focused, sadly, on Covid’s impact on the new school year. Every local newscast is showing unhappy kids being sent home for virtual school after positive […]

Avatar Wally Levitt


Camp Staff Additions

From the smiling faces of chanichim (campers) taking pre-Shabbat photos and dancing together as a kehillah (community) to the tears shed last night at Havdallah and Sunday morning as our busses loaded, the final days of Camp were filled with emotion. It was a kayitz sababa – an awesome summer. When our summer tzevet (staff) […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


A glimpse into Shabbat at Camp

I wish everyone could experience Shabbat at Camp. Since we’re not able to take photos and videos on Shabbat (yes, I admit I’ve secretly considered hiding a camera under my kippah to give parents a glimpse), this week I kept a mental timetable of how I spent the day. I know words won’t do it […]

Avatar Wally Levitt


From T-Shirts to Torah Table

In my role as “former Rosh Omanut (Head of Art),” I recently led a Camp Ramah Darom Alumni Association (CRDAA) virtual limmud (learning) program and taught about Hiddur Mitzvah – the practice of making each mitzvah as beautiful as possible.  The inspiration comes from a passage in Shirat HaYam (Song of the Sea) where the […]

Avatar Laurel "Dafna" Robinson


Helping Your Child Prepare for Camp

We are excited to welcome our Session Bet campers to Camp this Wednesday, July 14! Thank you for being our partner in preparing your child(ren) for a successful summer by discussing the following with them before they arrive at Camp. What it will feel like to live with others. After a year in which many […]

Avatar Audra Kaplan


Honoring Dr. Audra Kaplan

In 2015, Fred Levick and Geoff Menkowitz recruited Dr. Audra Kaplan to help create a new Tikvah program at Ramah Darom. While other Ramah Camps had been running successful Tikvah programs for several years, Audra had a unique vision: to make Tikvah part of the fabric of the overall Camp community. Rather than a separate […]

Avatar Wally Levitt


Remembering Sim Jacobs

A few weeks ago, I lost an old friend, and our camp community lost one of the legendary figures from the formative years of Ramah Darom, Sim Jacobs. I call Sim a friend but I must admit I feel a sense of guilt about having drifted away from Sim since 2003, the last summer he […]

Avatar Fred Levick


The Double Decker Guest: An Untold Story

Once upon an early June 2000, there was a shiny new double-decker cabin up a hill from a glistening lake. Ambling through the woods, Goldi-Bearg found it to be a cozy place to beat the summer heat. He tugged on the screen door, and it tore right off into his claws. In his excitement to […]

Avatar Andrea Slomka


Yom Hazikaron & Yom Haatzmaut Dvar Torah

After eight incredible summers spent at Machane (Camp) Ramah Darom, I knew my Jewish journey would not stop there. Little did I know, my journey was just beginning to grow. Following my senior year of high school, I made the life-changing decision to spend a year in Israel on the Nativ College Leadership Program. When […]

Avatar Alisa Rubinstein


The Baker’s Journey

Twelve years after Liora Dressler stepped foot onto Ramah Darom’s campus for her first Passover Retreat, she has returned as the Passover Baker. Ramah Darom has been an integral part of her life and now she gets to combine it with her passion for baking. From Passover participant to camper to summer photographer to Passover […]

Avatar Allison Sherman