1. Ready for Ramah!
If your camper wasn’t able to join us for “Ready for Ramah”, Dances & Song, watch the recording here and remember to join us for our Ready for Ramah, GROWN-UP ONLY: Final Prep Before Camp on Sunday, May 5 at 8:00pm ET. Register here.
2. Connect with Others
Connect with a family in your area or with a camper of similar age through Kesher. As Kesher translates to the word “link”, the goal of this program is to connect new and returning Ramah Darom families before the start of Kayitz (Summer). Get connected here!
3. Watch Some Videos
Watch Camp videos from last summer with your kiddo(s). There are lots to look at on the Ramah Darom YouTube Channel, but we especially love the weekly videos.
4. Check Your Snailmail Box
Check your mailbox in April for Ra-Ma Koreh?, a magazine designed for new camper families with information, games and tips to help them and YOU prepare for a great summer experience.
Didn’t receive it? Download a PDF here!
5. Reach Out!
If you or your camper still has the jitters, please reach out to Elana Yeffet, Community Care & Inclusion Manager, at eyeffet@ramahdarom.org or 404.503.2131 or Julia Weiss, Recruitment & Program Manager, at jweiss@ramahdarom.org or 470.344.2191.