Parent/Guardian Handbook

Kayitz (Summer) 2025 Parent/Guardian Online Handbook

We are thrilled you are sending your child to Camp Ramah Darom and we look forward to sharing an incredible kayitz (summer).

Camp Ramah Darom is a community of approximately 1000 people. Our policies and procedures, which reflect the values and mission of Ramah Darom, are designed to ensure a safe, healthy and exciting experience for all our campers. We ask for your cooperation in adhering to the regulations in this handbook.

Please read each section below carefully and review the policies with your camper(s).

Return to Main Resource Page

Family Dashboard


Medication & Health Protocols

Vaccinations & Covid Prevention

Camper Travel

Luggage Requirements

Clothing, Laundry & Packing

Money, Phones, Technology & Food

Camp Life

Grafitti, Gratuity, Piercing & Privacy

Parent/Guardian Logistics

Summer Communications

Yoetzim (Parent Liaisons)

Camp Brit (Agreement)