Camp Life

Daily Schedule
7:00 AM Boker Tov! (Good Morning!)
7:30 AM Tefillot (Prayers): Morning prayers with the special Ramah Darom siddur created just for our campers. This service is participatory, interactive, and age-appropriate.
8:30 AM Aruchat Boker (Breakfast): M’mm…smells like pancakes!
9:30 AM Nikayon (Cleaning): Time to clean up the bunks.
10:15 AM Sports: Choose from basketball, soccer, hockey, golf, tennis, softball, archery, volleyball and more!
11:05 AM Chugim (Electives): Choose from art, drama, multi-media, karate, art, boating, guitar and more.
12:00 PM Ivrit (Hebrew): Learn places in Camp by going on a Hebrew scavenger hunt.
1:00 PM Aruchat Tzohorayim (Lunch): It’s pizza day!
2:00 PM Menucha (Rest Period): Read, relax and write letters home.
2:45 PM Mayim (Water): Instructional and free. Enjoy the lake and the pool!
3:55 PM Yahadut (Judaics): Learn about Kashrut by baking brownies!
4:40 PM P’eulat Tzrif (Bunk Activity): Today it’s getting ready for the play!
5:25 PM Perek Zayan (Free-Time): Time to hang out with friends.
6:45 PM Aruchat Erev/Shira (Dinner and Singing): A delicious dinner and awesome song session.
7:45 PM Peulat Erev (Evening Activity): By age and division. Tonight it’s a pool party!
9:15 PM Laila Tov (Good Night): Bedtime according to age.

Birthdays at Camp

Every camper with a birthday during Camp will receive a birthday cake for a tzrif (cabin) party in the dining hall at mealtime. There is no need to call Camp with a similar request. Campers with birthdays during Camp will be allowed to phone home on their birthday. Calls are generally made between 8-10pm EDT and are facilitated by the Yoetz/et.

B'nai Mitzvah

B’nai Mitzvah Reviews

As an educational institution, Ramah Darom is committed to making sure that the hard work your child has put in preparing to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, prior to Camp, is not forgotten during an amazing, fun-filled summer. If your child has a Bar/Bat Mitzvah between July and December 31, 2024, please complete the “B’nai Mitzvah Guided Review Request” on your family dashboard. Camp will provide some guided scheduled review with a staff member on a weekly basis. Since there is very little “free time” at Camp, the review will usually take place during rest hour. Camp staff will schedule the review times and make every effort to make sure your child attends, but it is ultimately the camper’s responsibility to attend their review sessions!

While we do not offer review sessions for children with Bar/Bat Mitzvah occurring after December 31, 2024, every camper will have the opportunity to learn valuable skills during the summer like leading services, Birkat Hamazon, reading Torah and Haftarah (Camp does have its own melodies though, which may vary from what your congregation sings).

Camp Time

Camp Time

During the summer, on the first night of Machzor Aleph and Bet (First and Section Session), Camp Ramah Darom sets its clocks to Eastern Standard Time. For example, when it is 12:00 noon in Atlanta (which is Eastern Daylight Savings Time–EDT), it is only 11:00am at Camp. On the last evening of each session, the clocks are changed back to EDT. “Camp Time” allows younger campers an opportunity for programming on Saturday nights after Shabbat. In addition, the sun has an extra hour each morning to warm the pool and lake for swimming and dry dew off of the playing fields.

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