Kayitz (Summer) 2025!

Enrollment numbers for Kayitz (Summer) 2025 are at an all time high! We are full in some aidot (age divisions) and space is very limited in others. Please contact camp@ramahdarom.org with questions or to be added to our waitlist.


Please read all the details on this page then hit the REGISTER TODAY button on the bottom.

Kayitz (Summer) 2025 Dates

Session Duration Grade (Fall 2025) Dates
Session Aleph 4 Weeks 4th-10th June 5-30
Ta’am Aleph 5 Nights 2nd June 5-10
Garinim Aleph 11 Nights 3rd June 19-30
Session Bet 4 Weeks 4th-10th July 3-28
Nitzanim & Sollelim K'tzara (Short) 18 Nights 4th & 5th July 3-21
Ta’am Bet 5 Nights 2nd July 3-8
Garinim Bet 11 Nights 3rd July 17-28
Ramah Bamah 2 Weeks 8th & 9th July 3-15
Full Summer (Aleph + Bet) 8 Weeks 6th-10th June 5-30 +
July 3-28
Gesher Leadership Program 8 Weeks 11th June 5-July 28
Tikvah Vocational Education Program 4 Weeks 12th+ June 5-30
Ramah Israel Seminar 6 Weeks 12th Learn More
Camp Yofi 5 Days July 30-Aug 3

Summer 2025 Programs

Through the Henry and Annette Gibson Tikvah Support Program, Ramah Darom supports campers and young adults with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, anxiety disorders and other disabilities. Learn more.

Camper Eligibility

Important Note About Eligibility: Campers are accepted for enrollment based on a staff review of the completed application and the Camper Profile, an interview if necessary, and the availability of space within the child’s age group. Campers will only be considered enrolled once their completed application and Camper Profile have been reviewed by our Camper Care team. Occasionally, prior to Camp it is determined that Ramah Darom is not the right fit for a child. If this should happen, the family will receive a full refund of any fees paid.

Campers must arrive in good health and all campers must agree to Camp Ramah Darom’s rules of behavior, including those outlined in the Camp Brit (Covenant) found in the Parent-Camper Handbook.

Jewish Education: Ramah Darom campers are immersed in Jewish living in a way that impacts their life outside of Camp. Connecting campers’ experiences at Camp with their life outside of Camp will help to deepen and strengthen their Jewish identity. Participation in a program of supervised, formal Jewish learning to complement the summer is a critical component (day school, synagogue school, Hebrew High, online courses, etc.). Therefore, we strongly recommend that our campers commit to Jewish learning beyond the summer.

Rates, Discounts & Other Charges

Kayitz (Summer) 2025 Rates

Session Duration Grade (Fall 2025) 2025 Rates
Session Aleph/Bet 4 Weeks 4th-6th
Session Bet K'tzara (Short) 18 Nights 4th & 5th $5,050
Ta’am 5 Nights 2nd $1,000
Garinim 11 Nights 3rd $3,150
Full Summer (Aleph + Bet) Two 4 Week Sessions 6th
Gesher 8 Weeks 11th $10,750
Ramah Bamah 2 Weeks 8th-10th $3,600
Ramah Bamah w/ Session Bet 4 Weeks 8th-10th $7,250
Ramah Bamah added to Session Aleph 2 Weeks 8th & 9th $2,950
Tikvah Vocational Education Program 4 Weeks 12th+ $6,580
Camp Yofi 5 Days $1,200/Family


  • All Campers: Register before October 1 to receive $150 off per camper for any 4 or 8-week session ($50 off for 1-3 week sessions). Returning campers already receiving $250 off do not qualify for this discount (only one early discount option per camper!).
  • Sibling Discount: $180 off each additional sibling attending a 3, 4 or 8-week session (discount does not apply to the first sibling).
  • Full Summer Discount: Sign up for both Session Aleph and Bet and receive $2,500 off. Note: This discount is already included in the “Full Summer” and Gesher rates listed in the grid above. Campers receiving the full summer discount will still receive other applicable discounts.
  • Military Discount: $1,000 off per 3, 4 or 8-week session. $250 off for Garinim and Ta’am.


Other Charges

Security Fee: To help offset rising security costs, a $180 Security Fee per camper ($100 for programs 2 weeks or shorter) will be added to each camper’s account.

Payments by Credit Card: If paying via credit card, a 2.5% fee will be added to cover the processing fees charged to Ramah Darom by the credit card companies. There is no fee for e-check payments made on our registration site or if you mail a check.

Other Charges: You will receive advance notice of any additional charges added to your account at a later date – for example, bus transportation from communities outside Atlanta, airplane baggage charges or medical expenses. Note that Campers from South Florida may be required to ship their luggage to Camp using a pre-selected camp trucking company; we will confirm details and the cost for this service in the spring.

Payment Schedule
Date Ta'am (5 nights) 1-2 Week Sessions 3/4 Week Sessions Gesher
Deposit with registration $250 $500 $1000 $1000
Dec 3 $250 $500 $1000 $2000
Jan 3 $250 $500 $1000 $2000
Feb 3 $250 $500 $1000 $2000
Mar 3 - $500 $1000 $2000
Apr 3 Balance Due Balance Due Balance Due Balance Due

A $1,000 registration deposit per camper ($500 for Garinim and the 2-week Ramah Bamah program, $250 for Ta’am) will be processed when you register your camper. If you are registering after December 3, 2024, you will also be charged any installments that were due prior to your registration date.

By submitting your camper’s application, you are accepting responsibility for payment of the full tuition for your camper’s enrollment. Payment of all fees is due by April 3, 2025. Accounts not paid in full by April 3, 2025, will be assessed a $125 late payment fee. In order to attend Camp, all fees must be paid in full before the session begins. There will be no exceptions to this policy without prior arrangements with our Finance Associate, Deanne Brown.

If you choose to pay by check, please mail to:

Ramah Darom
6400 Powers Ferry Rd
Suite 215
Atlanta, GA 30339

Be sure to include your camper’s name. Payments must be received by the deadlines above (initial deposit must be received within 10 days of registration).

Financial Aid & First-Time Camper Incentives

Ramah Darom is committed to ensuring that every family has the opportunity to give their child the enriching benefits of a Jewish summer camp experience.

The majority of financial aid comes from local sources including local Jewish Federations, synagogues, Sisterhoods/Brotherhoods and Jewish Family Services. Families in need of additional assistance may also apply for a Ramah Darom scholarship as long as they have also applied to all available local sources. Please see our Financial Aid 1, 2, 3 page for more information and for links to applications.

First-time campers may also be eligible for a One Happy Camper or PJ Goes to Camp grant of up to $1,500! See links on the Financial Aid 1, 2, 3 page.

Changes, Cancellations & Refunds

As a non-profit, Ramah Darom relies on tuition fees to fund our operations. Our staff works year-round to plan for a fun and safe summer, and our cancellation policy takes into account the significant portion of our expenses that are incurred well before summer begins.

Cancellation Date Fee
Before January 1 Full refund minus $100 admin fee per camper
Jan 1-Apr 2 Full refund minus
$1,200 (Full Summer)
$600 (3 & 4 weeks)
$400 (2 weeks or less)
After Apr 2 No refund (full Tuition fees due)

How to Change or Cancel Your Enrollment: All changes to enrollment status or cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to camp@ramahdarom.org. Requests for changes made by phone will not be honored. 

You will receive a response within seven days confirming your request has been processed. If we have not acknowledged your email within seven days, please call our Administrative Manager Andrea Cohen at 404-477-1038 to confirm that your request was received since emails can sometimes go to spam. Note that your change or cancellation request is only considered processed if you have received an email acknowledgment from Ramah Darom.

Session Changes: Requests for changes from one 4-week session to another may be made without penalty, pending available space.

Campers arriving late/leaving early: There is no pro-rating of tuition for campers who need to arrive late or who depart Camp before the end of the session.

Health Emergencies: Campers who withdraw prior to a session for documented medical reasons will be eligible for a full refund, less a $500 administrative fee. Campers withdrawn during a session for documented medical reasons will have a pro-rated portion of tuition refunded after a $1,000 withdrawal fee.

Dismissal: If a camper is dismissed for a behavioral infraction, there will be no refund. If a camper is dismissed involuntarily from Camp as a result of a parent/guardian’s failure to provide accurate or complete behavioral and/or medical information, there will be no refund.

Refunds for Declined Vaccination Exemptions requests: See below for the process to request a vaccination exemption. If an exemption request received by the April 1 deadline is declined by our Medical Committee, a full refund will be provided less a $500 administrative fee. If the request was made after the deadline and declined by our Medical Committee, the standard cancellation policy will apply.

Refunds related to Financial Aid applications: Families that apply for a Ramah Darom scholarship will be notified via email as soon as possible after our Scholarship Committee has reviewed their application. After you receive your award notification, you will have 2 weeks from the date of the notification to withdraw your camper(s) with no penalty if sending your camper(s) to camp would create a financial hardship for your family. Please see our Financial Aid 1, 2, 3 page for more information and for links to applications.

We encourage families to consider purchasing Trip Protection Insurance.


Please click here for Ramah Darom’s complete vaccination policies.

  1. When registering, please sign in before selecting your camper’s session
  2. To register for Full Summer, select both Session Aleph & Bet
  3. To register for Nitzanim or Sollelim K’tzara or Ramah Bamah, please contact Julia Weiss directly