Medication & Health Protocols

During the summer, Ramah Darom’s Health Center (Mirpa’ah or MARP) is staffed 24 hours a day with medical, nursing and support staff. In case of an emergency, the Mountain Lakes Medical Center is minutes away. To make sure that the MARP staff is well prepared to care for all campers, it is imperative that you complete and submit all medical and health information on your family dashboard by March 15.

Ramah Darom requires an up-to-date Health History signed by your camper’s Health Care Provider. All medical forms must be submitted in order for your child to attend Camp. Withholding medical information or failure to comply may result in your child’s inability to attend or remain in Camp. If you have any questions or concerns, please email medical@ramahdarom.org.

If your child’s medical condition, medication dosage or medication schedule should change after you have submitted the Health History, you must notify us in writing at medical@ramahdarom.org with a letter signed by the prescribing physician identifying the specific changes.

Medication Fulfillment

Medication Fulfillment

Camp Ramah Darom requires ALL campers who take medications (prescription and non-prescription), including vitamins and supplements, to use the services provided by Tim’s Pharmacy, a local pharmacy in Cornelia, GA. The only exceptions are for inhalers, Epi-pens, insulin, Accutane, birth control pills, growth hormone injections, injectable medications, topical creams, nasal sprays and eye drops. Tim’s Pharmacy ensures that all medication arrives at Camp before the start of each session and is administered in an efficient and safe manner. This partnership also allows more time for our nursing staff to devote to our campers’ other healthcare needs. Please note that we will not accept self-packaged medication. Families that arrive with medication for their camper(s) will be given three days from the start of Camp to make arrangements with Tim’s Pharmacy. Your child will not miss any medication dosage while waiting for the new medications.

To register with Tim’s Pharmacy:

  1. Update the medication and insurance sections on your camper’s Health History Form
  2. Complete the Pharmacy and Medication Agreement on your family dashboard
  3. Have your camper’s doctor submit electronic prescriptions to Tim’s Pharmacy (130 Magnolia Lane, Cornelia, Georgia 30531) for the time your camper will be at Camp.

To avoid late fees, please complete this process by April 19 (Session Aleph) and May 28 (Session Bet). Camp Ramah Darom will share your medication (including non-prescription medications), contact, and insurance information with Tim’s Pharmacy. Tim’s Pharmacy staff will then contact you to collect the $30 registration fee and any prescription co-pays. For questions about medication fulfillment, please call Tim’s Pharmacy at 706-776-3784.

We ask for your cooperation with this essential requirement which assists us in our primary goal of maintaining the health, well-being and safety of your child. We expect 100% compliance.  If your camper takes any of the exempt medications listed above, please indicate so in the online Medication Agreement and email medical@ramahdarom.org with any questions. 

If Tim’s Pharmacy does not accept your insurance, we ask that you use their repackaging service, which also costs $30 (same as the registration fee), to prepare the medications/supplements appropriately. Tim’s Pharmacy will notify you and work with you to make sure your prescriptions are filled and packaged correctly. Pill medication taken on a routine basis will be individually packaged, sealed and sorted according to the date and time of administration. Non-pill medication (drops, sprays, liquids or creams) and medication that is taken on an “as needed” basis will be packaged separately.

NOTE: By law, all prescriptions must be filled, packaged and administered according to the written prescription from your camper’s physician. Please confirm the correct medication, dose and exactly how and when your camper takes the medication before the prescription is sent to Tim’s Pharmacy.

Noncompliance Policy for Medications/Supplements: We will not accept self-packaged medication. Families who send camper medication in their camper’s luggage or with their camper will be given three days from the start of Camp to make arrangements with Tim’s Pharmacy. We will only accept three days of self-packaged medications so your child will not miss any doses while waiting for the new medications.

Other Medication Information
  • Over-the-Counter Medications: the MARP stocks most over-the-counter items such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl and Lactaid pills. Tim’s Pharmacy will not provide these medications unless your child takes them daily. Please contact our Head Nurse at medical@ramahdarom.org if you have questions about which medications the MARP stocks in its formulary.
  • Medication Prescribed During Camp: If your child becomes sick while at Camp and the Camp doctor needs to prescribe medication, or if there is any change in your child’s medical regimen, you will be contacted by a doctor or nurse. Once we receive your permission for the prescription, we will send the prescription to our local pharmacy and provide the insurance information we have on file for your child. We will also give you the pharmacy’s phone number and ask that you contact them to confirm insurance coverage and arrange payment for any insurance co-pay or medication costs.
  • You may send us a copy of your FSA Debit card if you prefer the MARP to utilize your FSA account for such charges; please email medical@ramahdarom.org authorizing permission to do so and your signature. The FSA Debit card can be provided as an attachment to your Insurance Info & Authorization Form; please make sure the front and back of the card are both visible.
  • Medication “Vacations”: Camp is often assumed to be a less structured, stress-free environment. As a result, parents are sometimes encouraged by prescribing physicians to allow their campers to take a “vacation” from their regular, school-year dose of medication during the summer. Although Camp provides an environment for relaxed fun, it is not always stress-free or unstructured. We strongly encourage you to maintain your child’s routine medication regimen.
    • If you are considering a “vacation” from medication for your child, please communicate with us so that we can adequately prepare to work with your child in the most positive way. Please contact medical@ramahdarom.org to discuss any medication vacations.
Allergy & Epi-pens

Allergy & Epi-pen Guidelines

  • During the summer sessions, Camp Ramah Darom’s dining room is completely peanut and tree-nut-free. Our canteen will not offer items with nuts as a listed ingredient; however, some labels for chocolates say “may contain nuts or may have been processed in a facility with nuts.”
  • Make sure that all allergies are listed in your camper’s information on your family dashboard. On your camper’s Health History Form, let us know if they carry an Epi-Pen for emergency treatment of a life-threatening allergic reaction and whether or not they understand and know how to use it.
  • If your child does carry an Epi-Pen, they must have two Epi-Pens at Camp. Campers will be expected to carry one Epi-Pen on their person or in their backpack throughout the day at Camp. The second Epi-pen will be kept in the Infirmary. 
  • Please pack the Epi-Pens in your child’s carry-on bag, not in their duffel. Campers must be aware that there is an Epi-Pen in their carry-on bag for emergencies and should be instructed to inform the MARP that they have two Epi-Pens in their possession when they go through the Health Check-in on the first day of Camp.
Asthma & Inhalers

Asthma & Inhaler Guidelines

  • If your child uses an inhaler, they must have two inhalers at Camp. Campers will be expected to carry one inhaler on their person or in their backpack throughout the day at Camp. The second inhaler will be kept in the MARP.
  • Please pack the inhalers in your child’s carry-on bag, not in their duffel. Campers must be aware that they have an inhaler in their carry-on bag for emergencies and should be instructed to inform the MARP that they have inhalers in their possession when they go through the Health Check-in on the first day of Camp.
Lice, Dental & Vision

Lice, Teeth & Eye Care Policies

Head lice: Help us prevent the spread of head lice by checking your child for lice and nits (lice eggs) before Camp starts. If your child is found to have head lice or nits during the Health Check-In on the first day, he/she must be treated before moving into their bunk. We partner with a professional company to conduct lice checks on arrival day and before departure. You will be contacted and charged if your child requires treatment.

Dental & Orthodontics: Please take care of all your child’s dental and orthodontic needs before the start of Camp. Camp does not have a dentist or orthodontist on site. In the event your child needs dental treatment, we will contact you and discuss possible options for care. Camp can arrange a visit and transport to a local dentist or orthodontist in Clayton. Remember to label all retainer containers with your child’s name.

Glasses & Contacts: Children who wear glasses or contact lenses should bring an extra pair to Camp. Glasses should have the camper’s name marked clearly on the inside of the frames. In the event your child needs eye care, we will contact you and discuss possible options for care. Camp can arrange a visit and transport to a local ophthalmologist or optometrist in Clayton.


Medical Insurance

Campers are required to have valid health insurance coverage. If you do not have insurance coverage for your camper, a short-term policy may be purchased through AMSkier (800.245.2666).

Please provide evidence of your camper’s coverage where indicated in the family dashboard. If there are any changes to your insurance coverage or updates before the start of Camp, please inform us and submit the updated information.

Ramah Darom maintains a secondary source of accident/medical insurance which is available to all campers. This policy provides insurance for those medical expenses incurred at Camp that are not covered by the camper’s own primary health insurance coverage, excludes any pre-existing conditions, and is limited to $1,000 for sickness and $3,500 for accident per person per incident. The deadline for filing any claims for secondary coverage under this policy is September 30, 2024.

Discuss & practice before Camp

Health Practices

Before the start of Camp, please have discussions with your children about the following health practices:

  • Do not share clothing, anything that touches the head (hats, kippot, scarves, combs, brushes, hair clips/ornaments, pillows, sheets, or towels), drinks, food, water bottles or personal hygiene items such as razors.
  • Wash hands before and after meals and after using the restroom.
  • Use the hand sanitizers located throughout Camp when washing with soap and water is not readily available.
  • Showers should be taken daily, along with changing into clean underwear and clothing daily.
  • Brush teeth at least twice a day.
  • Sheets and towels should be changed on laundry day.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is extremely important. Campers must arrive with two reusable water bottles labeled with their name. A limited number of replacement water bottles will be available for a fee charged to the camper.
  • Use sunscreen and bug repellent. Please teach your children how to use these items. Counselors will remind campers to drink and apply sunscreen regularly, but it is important that the campers also take responsibility.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet! This is critical to good health at Camp. We will provide a healthy variety of food choices at every meal, including snacks.
  • WEAR CLOSED-TOE FOOTWEAR. Open-toed shoes should have an ankle strap. Even acceptable sandals are not permitted for most Camp activities. Many injuries seen in the MARP are due to improper footwear. One pair of flip-flops for use in the shower is permissible.
When will we contact you?

Parent/Guardian Contact

We do not contact parents for routine camper visits to the MARP, including minor injuries. Parents are only contacted in the following circumstances:

  1. If a Camp doctor prescribes medication or believes there is a significant medical issue
  2. If your child is taken out of Camp for consultation or x-ray
  3. If your child spends the night in the MARP

Our Camp doctors, at their discretion, may determine other situations where he/she will contact parents.

Our Camper Care Team may contact you if your child visits the MARP frequently.

Vaccination Policies & Covid Prevention Protocols

Please complete and submit each camper’s medical and health information by March 15. If you have any questions about medical care at Camp, please email medical@ramahdarom.org.

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