Author: Wally Levitt

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Courage, Heart & Kef (Fun)

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom Shelach is one of my favorite summer parshiyot! I still remember the peulat Shabbat (Shabbat activity) I planned as a madricha (counselor) some 20 years ago where my chanichim (campers) pretended to be spies just like in the parsha and went all over our kikar (grassy field) at Ramah Darom on a mission! Experiential learning is what makes Ramah Darom so […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Delight, Wonder & Light

Drishat Shalom from Camp Ramah Darom We are off to a roaring, ruach-filled Kayitz (Summer) 2023! The weather has been absolutely delightful, with lots of sunshine and a nice cool breeze. The food has been delicious, from our traditional first night fried chicken dinner and a special welcome to Camp cookie delivery to the tzrifim (bunks) to biscuit and […]

Avatar Anna Serviansky


Former Camper, Now a Counselor, to Play Football at Brown

Levi Linowes, a Ramah Darom camper for the past seven years, will attend Brown University to play football this fall – but not before returning to Camp as a counselor this summer. His decision to spend his summer at Camp is driven by his desire to “inspire younger kids and provide them with a role […]

Avatar Jaron Holzer


Meet the Kayitz 2023 Rashai Aidah

We are thrilled to introduce you to our incredible Camp Ramah Darom Rashai Aidah (Division Heads) Nitzanim-Gesher for Kayitz (Summer) 2023. Nitzanim Liana Slomka Shalom!! I’m Liana! I’m from Atlanta and just finished up my studies in ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton University. But more importantly, I was a camper at Ramah Darom from […]

Avatar Robyn Diamond


Introducing Our New Board of Directors

This week, the Ramah Darom Board of Directors elected a new slate of Officers and three new Directors. We are incredibly fortunate to have this distinguished group leading our organization into the future.  Our New Officers Are:  Each of our Officers has a deep, long-term connection to Ramah Darom. Angela’s election is a true milestone […]

Avatar Sharon Rosenfeld


Greatness and Humility in One Package

Eli Spielman said it best. “Greatness and humility in one package,” he said of Rabbi Harold Kushner as news spread that he had passed away. You didn’t have to be Jewish to know the greatness of Harold Kushner. His book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, which he wrote in 1981 as a reaction […]

Avatar Fred Levick



The beginning of the maggid (story-telling), during the Seder starts with Ma Nishtanah, the Four Questions, sung by the youngest participant describing why this night is different from every other night. So too our time at Ramah Darom is different from any day we might experience outside the Camp bubble. And since we at Camp Ramah […]

Avatar Robyn Diamond


Calm the Camp Jitters

1. Ready for Ramah! If your camper wasn’t able to join us for “Ready for Ramah”, Dances & Song, watch the recording here and remember to join us for our Ready for Ramah, GROWN-UP ONLY: Final Prep Before Camp on Sunday, May 5 at 8:00pm ET. Register here.   2. Connect with Others Connect with […]

Avatar Julia Weiss


The Legacy of Paul Rovin

At Ramah Darom there is a Wall of Honor, with the inscription “as my forefathers planted for me, so too I plant for my children.” The wall acknowledges men who played a substantial role in creating Ramah Darom, but the truth is that each of us who passes through Ramah Darom on our life’s journey […]

Avatar Fred Levick


Hello from Argentina!

The following is a letter from Sam Feldstein & Lily Weinstein. Hello from Argentina! We hope you are all doing well! We just wanted to give you a little update on our incredible trip to Argentina! We started off in a province just north of Buenos Aires called Entre Rios, where we visited three different […]

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