Our Creative Reunion

Nancy Isaacson9.3.20
My husband and I live in Savannah and our children and their families are scattered in Chicago, Atlanta, Oakland and New Orleans. After too many months apart, our family was getting itchy to see each other. When I heard about the opportunity for all of us to be “together” at Raman Darom for a Misphachah B’Ramah, physically-distanced Family Getway, I knew this was the answer!

With every step of planning and follow-through, the staff was amazing.

Our reunion wasn’t one of our typical family gatherings by any means since we had to keep a safe distance from each other, but it was still amazing. The staff created such a positive, calming and healthy place for all of us. We followed all the protocols and we appreciated the enormous planning and effort the staff put into making our safe family reunion happen.

Everyone was happy!

The kosher food was great and plentiful and there were plenty of choices to please our picky eaters. They even surprised our kids with a cake for their 10th wedding anniversary!

The beautiful grounds, and just being at Ramah Darom, was such a great experience for everyone. There was plenty for the kids to do and it was wonderful to be able to see them finally running without restrictions!

We hiked to the beautiful waterfall, rode bikes, swam, canoed on the lake, had an outdoor movie night, made s’mores at our family campfire and had a wonderful Shabbat and an inspiring Havdallah under the stars. 

To be in a Jewish environment and able to express ourselves openly and safely at this time in the world is a comfort and a privilege that we haven’t been able to enjoy for many months.

I can’t find the words that describe what our days at Ramah Darom meant to me—the time with my children and grandchildren—the joy and fulfillment, the overwhelming sense of peace and the pure happiness of us being able to be together. We might have been wearing masks and keeping a safe distance but the worries and void that I was feeling were happily erased.

We couldn’t be more grateful that we had this opportunity!

Thank you Ramah Darom! Who knew I would be able to be with my children and grandchildren in such an amazing and comfortable environment during this uncertain time?

Thank you from all of us for helping our family unite in a creative and safe way. We just wish we didn’t have to leave.

-Nancy and Bobby Isaacson


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